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Don’t Blink- A Doctor Who Fan Podcast

Nov 24, 2015

If we've learned one thing in literature about Ravens, is that they represent death, and this holds true for Doctor Who's Latest episode: Face the Raven. Join David and Jeremy as they discuss Ravens, Tattoos, and strange little alleyways that may harken themselves to Harry Potter more than Doctor who. Rigsy, our...

Nov 17, 2015

Enter Sandman, and David, and Jeremy! This week we join The Doctor miles above Neptune over a millennia in our future with a found footage episode that might try too hard to be Aliens. Or is it space aliens, I can't decide. Join us for our thoughts on the ninth episode of season nine: Sleep No More!

With a Macbeth...

Nov 10, 2015

Join David and Jeremy this week as they try on their best poker faces, hopefully they're better at it than Bonnie. This week starts out with a bang and possibly even a 007 reference in The Zygon Inversion. Read More...

The post DB 208-Don’t Blink Episode 208- The Zygon Inversion appeared first on Golden Spiral...

Nov 3, 2015

Jeremy and David invade the airwaves with their thoughts on the latest charged episode of Doctor Who, The Zygon Invasion. We're back in present day London, and so is the oh so Osgood.

When everything you touch turns to electric hair, Who can you trust? It's the Zygon Invasion because everything's starting to hit the...